Can my body reject my dental implant?

According to the International Congress of Oral Implantologists it is rare that your body will reject your dental implants. However, this does not mean that your dental implant will not fail. A successful dental implant is one that is placed in healthy bone and is...

The Hazards of Smokeless Tobacco

Many smokers believe that chewing tobacco is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. This simply isn’t the case! In fact, smokeless tobacco can cause serious health concerns. Smokeless tobacco comes in many forms and goes by many names: dip, snuff, snus, or...

Year-End Insurance Reminder

Dr. Razdolsky and Dr. Tincher, as well as our team at Lake Forest Dental Associates, would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the year reminder that it’s high time to schedule your dental visits so you...

Dental Infections

Dr. Razdolsky and Dr. Tincher and our team at Lake Forest Dental Associates will tell you that dental infections can be very serious; sometimes, they develop into a life-threatening situation. Cavities are caused by acid-generating microorganisms that deposit...

Top Five Ways to Improve Heart Health

While there is no definite evidence that if your prevent gum diseases, like periodontitis, that you may be able to prevent a heart condition or heart disease. The only thing experts, like Dr. Razdolsky and Dr. Tincher, know for sure is that if you take care of your...

Toothache: A dentist or the emergency room?

Emergency care dentists are equipped to handle any tooth emergency. Seeing us first takes less time than having to sit in a hospital emergency room, only to be told to see a dentist. When dental emergencies occur, seek emergency care with Lake Forest Dental Associates...
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